Operation Christmas Child 2016

During National Collection Week (November 14-20), Thomson Rogers participated in Operation Christmas Child for the 9th straight year, doing so since 2007. This event gathers gifts and items for children and sends them worldwide to help put smiles on the faces of kids everywhere possible.

This year Thomson Rogers’ staff and lawyers filled 78 boxes full of toys for kids around the world that are less fortunate. The excitement was contagious throughout the offices for the duration of this great event as everyone was thrilled to be a part of it.

Operation Christmas Child works by stuffing shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, hygiene products, and other essentials, and shipping them to Central and South America, Western Africa, Haiti and the Ukraine. The hope is to make this time of year a little brighter for children in need.

Since its inception, Operation Christmas Child has collected and donated over 135 million shoeboxes worldwide, and Thomson Rogers is proud to do its part.

For more information and impact stories visit: Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child

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