Toronto Councillors Mark Grimes, Justin Di Ciano Charged Under Municipal Elections Act
Author(s): Stephen J. D'Agostino*
November 17, 2018
On November 16, 2018, Thomson Rogers’ municipal lawyer, Stephen D’Agostino, was interviewed by Global News reporter Matthew Bingley on the charges laid under the Municipal Elections Act against re-elected Toronto Councillor Mark Grimes and outgoing Councillor Justin Di Ciano for failing to disclose alleged campaign expenses related to their 2014 campaigns.
Stephen says:
It is not uncommon to see charges laid for campaign finance infractions but what is out of the ordinary is how long it took for these to be processed.
It is not a question of whether it is a big amount or a little amount, I mean any amount should be reported. The issue, in this case, is going to be if the amounts are really attributable to the campaign.
Read the accompanying Global News article by David Shum:
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