New Transition Rules for New Growth Plan

Author(s): Stephen J. D'Agostino*

July 4, 2017

On June 28, 2017, the Ontario Government approved amendments to Regulation 311/06 which provide for transition between the old and new Growth Plans. The rules cover:

  • Official Plans;
  • Zoning Bylaws;
  • Approval of Site Plan Control Areas;
  • Minor Variances; and,
  • Subdivisions and Consents.

Generally, the new transition rules provide that applications commenced after June 16, 2006, are to be determined in accordance with the 2017 version of the Growth Plan except in the case of some urban expansions. In other words, there is no transition in most cases. Some matters commenced before January 16, 2006, continue to be grandfathered until July 1, 2018, at which point they are expected to conform to the new Growth Plan.

The new transition rules also provide specific transition provisions for the Simcoe Sub – Area that have the effect of continuing Simcoe matters under the same rules as the rest of the Greater Golden Horseshoe area.

Given the complexity of the transition rules, regard should be had to regulation Regulation 311/06. Note that e-laws has an easy to read consolidation.

Even where no transition is provided in regulation 311/06, Growth Plan 2017 contains transition policies for the application of the population and growth forecasts, and intensification and density requirements.

For more information, please contact, municipal lawyer Stephen D’Agostino at 416-868-3126 or by EMAIL.

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