Acquired Brain Injury Information

April 10, 2015

This directory contains links to quality services which we deem to be an excellent source of information and advocacy. You should though verify the accuracy and timeliness of any information found on any website.

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Company Description
Anne Johnston Health Station    The Anne Johnston Health Station (AJHS) is a not-for-profit community health centre providing a wide range of programs and services that promote the health and well-being of youth, seniors and people with physical disabilities.
Anthony Aquan-Assee Motivational speaker, author and elementary school teacher. In 1997, Anthony was left in a coma and declared ‘brain dead’ after sustaining a severe Traumatic Brain Injury in a terrible motorcycle accident. Today, he is an award-winning author.
Brain Injury Association of Canada Improving the quality of life for all Canadians affected by acquired brain injury and promoting its prevention!
Brain Injury Association of Durham Region A charitable, non-profit organization whose members are people of Durham Region who have experienced brain injuries, their families and others who share our vision
Brain Injury Association of London & Region The Association began in 1982 in response to the lack of knowledge and services available to those who were affected by head injury.
Brain Injury Association of Niagara A registered non-profit agency committed to maximizing the quality of life for individuals with brain injury and their loved ones through support, advocacy and information and to raising awareness and prevention of brain injury, particularly among children and young adults.
Brain Injury Association of North Bay The Brain Injury Association of North Bay and Area provides support, information and assistance to those living with a brain injury.
Brain Injury Association of the Ottawa Valley A non-profit organization that helps acquired brain injury survivors reconnect with their environment.
Brain Injury Association of Peel and Halton A non-profit organization, which exists for the needs of families and survivors of brain injury in the Peel and Halton Regions.
Brain Injury Association of Quinte District A not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting individuals with Acquired Brain Injury, their families, and their communities by promoting awareness through educational information and outreach services.
Brain Injury Association of Sault Ste. Marie and District A facility to increase awareness of brain injury through education, awareness and through support.
Brain Injury Association of Sarnia-Lambton
Brain Injury Association Sudbury & District The Brain Injury Association Sudbury & District supports the Greater City of Sudbury with services such as, monthly support groups, survivor social events, helmet awareness program, annual golf tournament, annual newsletter, peer mentoring program, resource centre and provincial conference.
Brain Injury Association of Waterloo-Wellington The Brain Injury Association of Waterloo-Wellington is dedicated to providing social activities and resources to help people living with brain injuries and their families.
Brain Injury Association of Windsor/Essex County The Brain Injury Association of Windsor & Essex County is committed to enhancing the lives of residents of Windsor and Essex County affected by acquired brain injury through education, awareness and support.
Brain Injury Association of York Region The Brain Injury Association of York Region is committed to providing information, support and advocacy to those living with the effects of Acquired Brain Injury.
Brain Injury Community Re-entry (Niagara) Inc. A non-profit organization that provides support services and rehabilitation to individuals living with the effects of an acquired brain injury.
Brain Injury Services and Step Up! ABI Recovery (Hamilton) Brain Injury Services and its fee-for-service division, Step Up! ABI Recovery, provide a full range of rehabilitation programs and services for individuals living with the effects of a brain injury. They offer everything from supervised 24-hour-a-day complex residential care, to transitional living arrangements, to independent living supported by an extensive community services program.
Brain Injury Services Muskoka Simcoe Programs to facilitate the continued growth and learning of individuals who have the potential for more independent lifestyles.
Brain Injury Services of Northern Ontario A non-profit charitable organization which provides rehabilitation and support services within the community to individuals living with the effects of an Acquired Brain Injury.
Brain Injury Society of Toronto BIST supports ABI survivors and their family members. Membership is open to anyone in the community with an interest in the challenges that come with living with the effects of brain injury.
Brainline BrainLine is a national multimedia project offering information and resources about preventing, treating, and living with TBI.
Camp Dawn Camp Dawn is a camping experience for adults with acquired brain injuries
Centre for Disease Control – Traumatic Brain Injury CDC’s research and programs work to prevent TBI and help people better recognize, respond, and recover if a TBI occurs.
Community Head Injury Resource Services CHIRS, formerly known as Ashby House, started in 1978 as the first community-based brain injury rehabilitation program in North America.
Community Solutions Community Solutions specializes in assisting individuals with Acquired Brain Injury to re-establish their lives in their own homes and communities.
COTA Health COTA Health is an accredited provider of mental health and community support services. Our programs provide support to adults living with serious mental illness, geriatric mental health conditions, acquired brain injury, developmental disabilities and dual diagnosis.
Dale Brain Injury Services Dale Brain Injury Services provides a continuum of high quality, client-centered services to persons affected by an acquired brain injury.
Designable Environments A unique organization of consultants who assist our clients in the creation of accessible environments through the practical application of universal design principles.
Disabled Sailing Association of Ontario The Disabled Sailing Association of Ontario (DSAO) is dedicated to providing people living with a disability the opportunity to learn about and enjoy sailing.
Drivelab Inc. DriveLab provides graded exposure to driving for people who have physical, cognitive, emotional or developmental disabilities, as well as to seniors who require assistance in maintaining their driver status.
Dr. Alan Finlayson & Associates (Neuropsychologist) Psychological assessment and psychological treatment to people with a wide range of presenting problems, from relatively mild and straightforward situations to moderately severe and complex issues.
Dr. Lisa Keith Psychological Services Private psychology practice that is committed to improving the mental and emotional well-being of others, through the provision of high quality psychological services to adults in Hamilton and surrounding areas.
Essentially You At Essentially You, social work theories and principles are the foundation to their approach when supporting individuals and families. They provide person centre care whereby respecting and valuing the needs, wishes and voice of clients.
Family Caregiver Alliance FCA is a public voice for caregivers. Programs include
Four Counties Brain Injury Association From its origins in 1988, the Association has evolved into a dynamic and responsive agency that provides a range of support services to individuals living with an Acquired Brain Injury and have complex and diverse needs.
Hamilton Brain Injury Association To ensure the quality of life for survivors of brain injury, and their families, through education, support and advocacy.
Head Injuries Happen to Families Article by Judith Falconer, Ph.D.
Head Injury Association of Fort Erie and District Advocates on behalf of individuals who have acquired brain injury and their families, promotes prevention and public awareness of the needs of this unique population.
Health in Motion Rehabilitation Toronto-based rehabilitation clinic that provides specialized treatments for children with cerebral palsy, developmental delay, acquired brain injury, and paediatric stroke
HILL Program (Hamilton) HILL Program is a transitional living program for individuals with an acquired brain injury. Rehabilitation is provided as residential, outreach and/or day treatment.
Living with Brain Injury: Post-Rehabilitation Recovery Article by Judith Falconer, Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic: Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms, causes, risks, tests, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, support
MukiBaum Treatment Centres For children and adults with complex disabilities.
NeuroConnect NeuroConnect provides information, resources, and support to people living with acquired brain injury and their families as well as brings awareness of brain injury to the public.
Neurologic Rehabilitation Institute of Ontario The rehabilitation programs of NRIO are developed to assist persons with brain injuries and other neurologic impairments achieve success by increasing their level of independence.
New Beginnings The New Beginnings Club enhances the quality of life for survivors of acquired brain injury (ABI) including stroke, and their family members.
Nursing & Homemakers Inc. Delivering innovative, safe client focused culturally sensitive Nursing and Personal Care in a cost effective and efficient manner.
Ontario Brain Injury Association The OBIA mission is to enhance the lives of Ontarians living with the effects of acquired brain injury (ABI) through education, awareness and support.
Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation Neurotrauma research and innovation in action: changing lives, changing attitudes and changing our public systems in making a stronger Ontario for all our citizens.
Recreational Respite To maximize the quality of life for any individual and their families, who are coping with a cognitive (memory or acquired) impairment, physical challenge or developmental disability and provide inclusive and successful environments.
Safe Kids Canada Safe Kids Canada’s mission is to lead and inspire a culture of safety across the country in order to reduce unintentional injuries, the leading cause of death among children and youth in Canada.
Seizure & Brain Injury Centre Since 1988, the Seizure & Brain Injury Centre has been serving the Cochrane-Timiskaming area, with assistance and resources for those with both epilepsy and acquired brain injuries.
Stress Management Following Brain Injury Article by Judith A. Falconer, Ph.D.
Thames Valley Children’s Centre Rehabilitation centre for children & young adults with physical disabilities, communication disorders, developmental delays & autism spectrum disorders, in Southwestern Ontario.
ThinkFirst Canada ThinkFirst is a national non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of brain and spinal cord injuries.
Toronto ABI Network Toronto ABI Network connects people with Acquired Brain Injury to the services they need.
Traumatic Brain Injury Survival Guide By Dr. Glen Johnson, Clinical Neuropsychologist
While you are waiting… A page directed to those who are waiting while someone is in a coma due to brain injury


No entity included in our Resource Directory has paid to be listed.

This directory contains links to quality services which we deem to be an excellent source of information and advocacy. You should though verify the accuracy and timeliness of any information found with any website.

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