Jean and Victor
I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your exceptional dedication and hard work in handling our case.
Carmen is licensed by the Law Society of Ontario to deliver legal services in the Province of Ontario.
Over the past 30 years, he has specialized in the field of plaintiff personal injury litigation, focusing primarily in the area of statutory accident benefits and alternative dispute resolutions. He is a member of the Law Society of Ontario and the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association.
Since joining Thomson Rogers in 1997, Carmen has worked alongside L. Craig Brown and Leonard H. Kunka, senior partners with the law firm.
As a licensed paralegal, Carmen advocates for the rights of our clients. He is part of our team approach to the quality, timely and cost-effective advancement of our clients’ claims.
Carmen has extensive experience in the development and presentation of serious and catastrophic plaintiff personal injury claims, including establishing accident benefit entitlement, orchestrating rehabilitation efforts, resolving disputes with insurers and negotiating settlements.
Carmen is an avid golfer.