Operation Christmas Child 2015

December 4, 2015

Once again, Thomson Rogers participated in Operation Christmas Child,  sending boxes filled with gifts to children around the world. A total of 80 boxes were collected from lawyers and staff. Everyone involved was brimming with excitement having been apart of such a wonderful initiative.

Shoeboxes were stuffed to the brim with hygiene items such as face cloths, toothbrushes, combs, and soap, as well as school supplies and toys.

Canadian shoeboxes are then sent to Central and South America, Western Africa, Haiti and the Ukraine to children of all ages. Thomson Rogers recommends viewing the Impact Stories section on the Operation Christmas Child website, so you too can see the joy these gifts bring to so many.

To date, over 10 million shoeboxes have been collected and distributed worldwide. Last year 700,474 shoeboxes came from Canada. Thomson Rogers is so proud to be a part of the 2015 contribution.

For more information on how to get involved or to learn more about this year-round initiative, visit Samaritan’s Purse.

“Shoeboxes from Operation Christmas Child transcend all barriers–language, culture, geography, and politics–to give joy and hope to under privileged children around the world.”

IMG - Operation Christmas Child 2015

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