Proud Supporter of 2016 Youth Summer Program (YSP)

Thomson Rogers is a proud supporter of the 2016 Youth Summer Program (“YSP”).

Law in Action Within Schools Programs (LAWS) is an innovative program supported by the University of Toronto Faculty of Law School in partnership with the Toronto District School Boar2016 Youth Summer Program YSP thumbnailds designed to deliver an education program aimed at supporting, guiding and motivating high school students. LAWS provides a unique law school experience to high school students from across Canada and around the world. This year these students were from Vancouver, Manitoba, Fredericton, Turkey, India, Hong Kong, Dubai, and the Greater Toronto Area.

Thomson Rogers hosted a 2016 YSP luncheon where these students met with some of our legal professionals. Our professionals discussed their different career paths as lawyers and highlighted their areas of practice. Hostess for the occasion was senior law clerk Barbara O’Gorman who discussed various careers in law and presented a video on the history of Thomson Rogers. She introduced Personal Injury Lawyer Carr Hatch; Family Lawyer Melanie Larock; and Municipal Lawyer Stephen D’Agostino to the group.

The afternoon was highlighted by taking the groups’ picture in front of Toronto’s Old City Hall.
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