Overview of Proposed Auto Insurance Reform 2009


September 10, 2009

Under section 289.1 of the Insurance Act, the Superintendent of the Financial Services Commission of Ontario is required to undertake a review of auto insurance at least every 5 years. Accordingly, a review commenced in 2008 pursuant to the statute. The section requires the Superintendent to make recommendations to the Minister of Finance about amendments to the Act that he believes will improve the effectiveness and administration of auto insurance. in anticipation of the 5-year review, the Superintendent invited interested stakeholders to make submissions on auto insurance reform. Dozens of submissions were received by the Superintendent, including submissions from the Ontario Bar Association, the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association, the Advocates Society, Health Care Providers and the Insurance Bureau of Canada. Submissions were received by the Superintendent in July 2008.

Paper: Overview of Proposed Auto Insurance Reform 2009

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