An Inside Look at a Personal Injury Case – Alex
Author(s): , David A. Payne,
May 1, 2015

It started as a typical December day in Sudbury when Alex’s friend offered to drive him home. Alex, an 18-year old, healthy, young man was just finishing up high school. Christmas had ended and New Year’s Day was around the corner. It was that time of year when nobody worked and nothing got done. On this fateful day, the road crew responsible for maintaining the Trans-Canada Highway near Sudbury was short staffed.
Well forecasted, a flash freeze was expected to hit the Sudbury area. As the wet roads turned into sheer ice, the road crew failed to properly salt and sand the local roads. As a result, parts of the Trans-Canada Highway became the Trans-Canada skating rink. The car in which Alex was travelling hit the black ice, lost control and hurdled into oncoming traffic. Alex sustained a catastrophic, life altering brain injury, which he has never fully recovered from.
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