Truck Accident Lawyers in Toronto
One in five road crashes in Ontario involves a large commercial transport truck. When a commercial truck is involved in a crash, it’s typically people in the other vehicle who suffer most.

Truck cases are different than other vehicular crashes, in at least three ways:
- The injuries are frequently more severe, so accident victims require significant and intensive rehabilitation support. A typical car weighs 4,000 pounds. Large commercial trucks can top out at 80,000 pounds, when you consider both the load and the truck itself. This difference in size can be life altering.
- Proving the driver and truck owner at fault can require significantly more due diligence, as there are a greater number of issues which can cause truck collisions—from human factors such as driver fatigue to a wide range mechanical issues. These issues require thorough investigation and swift action to ensure that all possible evidence is obtained before the truck involved is repaired or written-off.
- Litigating commercial truck crashes is highly complex. Put simply, multiple parties in addition to the driver may have some responsibility for the crash. Who owns the truck? Who owns the trailer or the load? What company was operating the truck? Who was responsible for performing maintenance on it? Each of these parties and more may have their own interests, their own lawyer, their own insurance and may be partially or fully at fault.
What to know if you have been injured by a truck
Truck accident victims are entitled to compulsory Accident Benefits through their own insurance (or from the truck driver’s insurance if the injured person does not have auto insurance). These benefits are extremely important right after the accident as they will help pay for the treatment and care victims need when they are released from hospital. Thomson Rogers will navigate the complex accident benefits claims process on your behalf, to help ensure you make the best recovery possible. You may also have the right to sue the driver, the trucking company and others. You may be entitled to additional compensation for your medical costs, pain and suffering, income loss, care costs, home maintenance expenses, out of pocket expenses, and more. Because of the complex liability issues associated with large commercial truck crashes, there may be more money available to you than might initially be apparent. The company that owns the truck may have commercial liability insurance, a general liability policy, and an umbrella policy, for example. We understand how these policies interact so that we can maximise your compensation.
Thomson Rogers can help
When it comes to large commercial truck crashes, you need a law firm with experience, skill and tenacity. Thomson Rogers has 85 years of experience navigating the multiple issues involved with these difficult cases. We will do all the extra legwork from the very start to ensure you can prove who is responsible for your injuries and ensure all possible parties and insurers are involved. We will retain the right experts to prove your case and to help you recover. We will go all the way to trial if that is required to get full and fair compensation for you.
We do not represent or defend the interests of auto insurance companies in personal injury claims, so you can count on us.
Contact us to arrange a free consultation by completing our online request form, or call 416-868-3100 or toll-free at 1-888-223-0448.
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Contact Thomson Rogers LLP to arrange a free consultation by completing our online request form, or call 416-868-3100 or toll-free at 1-888-223-0448.
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