Birdies for Brain Injury Golf Tournament 2017

June 23, 2017

Birdies for Brain Injury Golf Event

With spring here and good weather on the horizon, it’s tough not to start polishing the golf clubs or buy a few new balls.

Thomson Rogers will be participating in the 3rd annual Birdies for Brain Injury Golf Tournament on June 23rd at Lionhead Golf and Country Club, Masters Course.

In support of the Brain Injury Society of Toronto, Ontario Brain Injury Association and Toronto Acquired Brain Injury NetworkPIA Law (and Thomson Rogers) is proud to be a platinum sponsor.

We’ll be golfing all morning and enjoying an incredible BBQ lunch and silent auction afterwards.

For more information about the event, visit Birdies for Brain Injury Golf Tournament page or contact BIST Executive Director, Melissa Vigar at [email protected].

Related Resources for Brain Injury Society of Toronto (BIST):

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