The Osgoode Certificate in Clinical Risk, Negligence & Claims Management in Healthcare

January 26, 2021

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Thomson Rogers partner Kate Cahill will be presenting in Module 5 of The Osgoode Certificate in Clinical Risk, Negligence & Claims Management in Healthcare taking place January 26, 2021.

The certificate program runs December 1, 8, 15, 2020, January, 19, 26, 2021 and covers the following topics:

  • Managing a healthcare pandemic: risks, best practices, litigation fallout
  • Understanding key patient safety concepts
  • Linking patient safety, risk management and the role of the risk manager
  • Conducting post-incident investigations
  • Dealing with adverse events, including how to effectively work with the media
  • Defence best practices, mitigation strategies, importance of documentation, tips & tools on evidence preservation
  • The impact of being sued: dealing with the pressure of litigation
  • Healthcare risk: a view from the Bench

For more information about the program please click here.

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